Who Are We

MOR-hemp is a vertically integrated hemp farm; and processing and extraction facility. MOR-hemp will be growing hemp for fiber, grain, flower, and CBD by using processing equipment for hemp fiber and grain; and extraction equipment for CBD oil. Our processing and extraction process is extremely versatile allowing MOR-hemp to offer a wide range of premium products.

With the recent passage of hemp into federal law, both the hemp fiber and CBD oil market has shown growth in the last two years. We believe more consumers will seek high-quality hemp biomass and that more businesses will be demanding these raw ingredients. MOR-hemp will provide excellent high quality, compliant hemp material, biomass, flower, and hempseed oil to consumers and businesses alike thanks to the quality genetics and care put into growing industrial hemp in the State of Virginia Agriculture Department.

As our business continues to evolve and our direct marketing plans mature, one of our long-term goals is to become certified organic. We want to be known as Virginia’s leading hemp quality for farming hemp and Virginia’s leading hemp farm.

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We grow crops that will utilize innovative agricultural approaches with industrial hemp to create premium products and services  

Our Research

We are dedicated to focusing on all things for your health and well being such as skincare, hair, clothing, as well as growing organic foods. 

Our opportunities

We aim to develop jobs in the Halifax community, as well as provide donations to the local school system and fundraising for the local area.

Our Mission

Our mission is to pioneer a company, that will utilize innovative agricultural approaches with industrial hemp to create premium products and services. We dare to leave elephant-sized footprints by striving to make the world a better place one seed at a time. 

History of Hemp

Everything old is new again. Hemp once tied the world together, and after hundreds of years of shifting regulations, the plant is starting to circle the planet once again. Four hundred years ago, the British needed tons of hemp to maintain their global empire powered by shipping dominance. But the Industrial Revolution brought steamships and electric motors, gutting the global market for hemp.

The 20th century saw the weakened industry all but disappeared as governments around the world banned production – all because one variant of the plant, marijuana, produces the intoxicating chemical THC. Now, hemp is undergoing a revival. The same governments that banned hemp production because of its conflation with marijuana are reopening business opportunities, and private entrepreneurs are investing huge sums in developing the hemp market.

Timeline of Hemp in the United States


2,000 BCE – 100 BCE | Hemp migrated from Asia to Europe as Russian, Greek, and British cultures used hemp for clothing, rope, and paper

1600s – 1800s | Hemp was introduced to colonial settlers in the Americas creating the production of clothing and rope. The useful hemp was so prevalent that the Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper in 1776

1937 | The Marijuana Tax Act which placed a tax on cannabis sales, greatly discouraged the production of hemp in America

1942 | The United States Department of Agriculture starts the “Hemp for Victory” program

1970 | The controlled substance act classified hep as an illegal schedule 1 drug. Strict regulations imposed on cultivation of industrial hemp as well as marijuana

2007 | The first hemp licenses issued in over 50 years to two North Dakota farmers

2014 | President Barack Obama signed the Farm Bill which allowed research institutions to start hemp farm piloting

2015 | Industrial Hemp Farming Act, H.R.525 S.134, introduced to the senate

2018 | President Donald Trump signed the Farm Bill 2018 which allowed for farmers to legally grow industrial hemp

2019 | Mor-industries and subsidiaries, Mor-hemp & Mor-cannabis created by the Morton family


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